Eat Your Peas — A Parable on Awakening

Vanessa Loder
2 min readJun 29, 2017

Dear little lost one,

I hear you say; “Not this again!” as you face your current situation like a petulant child staring at a plate of peas, ready to hurl the entire dish across the room with the force of an olympic discus thrower.

You keep hoping for new lessons, but sweetie, when will you get it? You’re being served the same lesson over and over. Each time, you end up with a new understanding, a new facet, and you go deeper.

You don’t get new issues. You get the same one, again and again. That’s how this game works.

Sure, you’ll get some new lessons, like a small side of steamed carrots with your big plate of peas. But the big ones — the ones you really can’t stand — are the same.

This plate of peas that you’re denigrating, believe it or not, is also your opportunity and your gift to the world. You get to become an expert on peas. You can write a cookbook on how to serve peas eighty seven different ways; pureed peas, julienned peas, peas and mash, baked peas, peas in a pod, the combinations are endless.

so many peas…so many lessons!

You’ll also learn to identify all variations of peas — sugar snap peas, frozen peas, snow peas, fresh peas. Maybe you’ll even start to understand edamame if you get really advanced. I don’t want to get your hopes up, but it is a possibility.

And guess what? There are other people out there, just like you, staring down a plate of peas right at this moment. Feeling apathy and anger. Refusing to eat their peas, throwing the plate, hoping to be served a new dish.

Imagine their delight when these people discover your secrets for preparing peas. They’ve never looked at peas that way. They’ve never embraced their peas. And until you embrace yours, you won’t be able to teach them.

So put on your bib and start eating your lesson. And remember, we’re serving you peas because they’re good for you, and because you actually requested them before you forgot what you ordered.

In love and peas,

Your Higher Self

P.S. Every now and then we sneak a surprise into your peas, a synchronicity or coincidence, to encourage you and remind you that you’re powerful beyond measure. You may find a random piece of corn or part of a children’s toy in the middle of your bowl of peas. So don’t forget to peak between the peas for these signs, they’ll make the meal a lot more fun.

Get your daily dose of peas!



Vanessa Loder

Vanessa Loder is a former Silicon Valley investor turned feminist spiritual teacher and soul tickler known for her energetic and authentic approach.